Proven accuracy.
Minimum invasiveness.
ExEm® Foam is the only FDA-approved contrast agent for use with Trans Vaginal Ultrasound (TVUS), which can be performed in the privacy and comfort of the gynecologist’s office.
Studies suggest that, with proper imaging technique, hysterosalpingo-foam sonography (HyFoSy) with ExEm® Foam does not significantly differ from laparoscopy with dye and has the ability to achieve significantly higher accuracy than hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography with air/saline, making it an attractive new alternative for tubal patency assessment and diagnosis in women with known or suspected infertility.1,2

More knowledge.
More empowerment.
Tubal disease is a leading cause of infertility. However, an inaccurate fallopian tube evaluation can lead to unnecessary procedures — such as tubal reconstructive surgery or in vitro fertilization — when other methods of conception are possible. For patients with known or suspected infertility, ExEm® Foam can help quickly, safely, and accurately give the answers needed, at the start of the fertility journey.
How ExEm® Foam works is simple: if the fallopian tubes are patent — or open — the foam will appear as a thin, bright white line, when visualized with ultrasound by your healthcare provider. If the white line does not appear, the tubes might be occluded — or blocked.
After the procedure, the results can immediately be discussed with your physician in more detail and used to help plan the next steps in your fertility journey.
Clinical Adoption Program
Our goal is to make your learning experience as smooth as possible, and we are committed to supporting you every step of the way. To help you get started, we offer a range of training resources that are designed to educate you on ExEm® Foam and the HyFoSy procedure. We will work with your clinic and each staff members’ current skill level to ensure a customized educational journey based on current knowledge and experience.
The process is simple. Sign-up now to get started (click below).

Easier for Patients
Less discomfort,3 appointments, and stress.

Less invasive
ExEm® Foam enables an accurate diagnostic procedure without iodine, X-ray or laparoscopic surgery

More convenient
The ultrasound-based procedure can be performed in the gynecologist’s office

Used successfully
ExEm® Foam has been successfully used in over 500,000 procedures worldwide
Easier for Doctors
Safe, streamlined, effective

FDA approved
ExEm® Foam is the only contrast agent for ultrasound tubal patency diagnostic testing in women with known or suspected infertility that has been approved by the FDA

Fewer visits
Enables intake, procedure, and outcome during the same consultation

Good visibility
Get a distinctive echogenic image in 2D/3D with or without Doppler enhancement
Explore the benefits of ExEm® Foam
The fertility journey doesn’t have to be more complicated than needed. ExEm® Foam provides a new solution for healthcare professionals to offer a more patient-friendly tubal patency assessment for women with known or suspected infertility. Explore the benefits for patients and healthcare professionals.